Friday, August 26, 2011

Hurricane Irene and slobber

 Nothing overly exciting, but something to remember....
Hurricane Irene is expected to hit the east coast. Luckily, our friends in NC are far enough away, they shouldn't have any damage.  In local news, Matthew is cutting his four top front teeth.  It was when I put him down to change his diaper that I noticed his top gums were white!  Now, he'll begin eating solid table foods, which is the scariest part of parenting at this stage. 
The babies and I went to Grandma and Grandpa Shoptaugh's house tonight to visit and have dinner.  Uncle Dane bought the coolest Disney Princess tent EVER!  It is so big that Lily can lay down in it.  Uncle Dane thought Lily needed a toy at their house.  Luckily it fits at their house.  The tent wouldn't fit at our house since it's practically the size of our living room.  Before we left for the evening, Lily took a shower in Grandma Julie's shower.  This was her first stand up shower.  She was ok until I pulled the shower head down to wash her hair.  She doesn't like us dumping water on her hair to wash the soap out, much less a constant flow of water from the shower head.  She quickly got over it and continued playing in the shower. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My First Blog

So here it is, my first blog.  I'm not the most entertaining writer, but I wanted to begin blogging to accompany my scrapbooks.  It's something for my family and I to look back on and say, "I forgot about that!"  As of today, Lily is turned 2 a month ago, and Matthew is now 8 months old.  Lily loves to read books, especially before bedtime.  Right now, she reads Go Dog, Go.  Once finished, then she wants to read The Cat in The Hat or Baby Signs.  It seems as though she wants one more book to read about every other night.  I have to say though, she knows every sign in her Baby Signs book.  I'm amazed at how quickly she learned them (Milk, water, diaper, more, finished, cat, dog, book, and sleepy)
Matthew has taken off crawling.  Just a couple days ago, I hear Lily say, "no no sashoe" (aka Matthew), then the sound of water splashing.  Matthew crawled into the kitchen and discovered our dog's, Cooper, water bowl and started splashing.  Lily did the same thing when she was a baby, too.  MJ (Matthew James) is now pulling himself up to his knees and feet.  He can give high fives and tries to wave bye-bye.  He has his two front bottom teeth half way in and many more on the way.  How do I know, you may ask?  Because he's drooling like crazy!
Kyle's busy keeping the kids fed, bathed and happy.  He is a wonderful stay at home dad! 
I just started a new teaching position within the EVSC.  I'm very excited to be working with the elementary kiddos again.  It seems it has been too long!  This year, I will be working with students who are not making academic progress, for whatever reason.  After a process of paperwork, the students will come to me for a six to nine week period.  This is the only elementary program like this in the school corp, so I know I have to do well in order for other classrooms like this to open to help more students!  I'm very nervous, so keep me in your prayers to do well and to reach the kids.