Friday, September 30, 2011

Water Please?

Every Wednesday evening, after our AWANA program, Kyle and I take the kids to DQ for ice cream.  We usually go with our friends, the Harrison's, Stirk's and Alldredge's.  Lily is absolutely in love with little Sammy Alldgredge.  He'll be seven in a couple months.  She runs around chasing him in DQ.  Luckily, DQ isn't very busy inside and we've been going there for about three years now every Wednesday, they think nothing of it.  This particular Wednesday, Sammy went to the counter to order more food.  Lily stood back watching.  After Sammy received his food, Lily walked to me and said, "I want water."  I told her to go up to the counter and ask.  One of the worker's happened to be watching our conversation so she waited for Lily.  Lily walked up to the counter then turned around and looked at me.  I said, "Go ahead, say 'water please.'"  My sweet two year old girl twirled her fingers through her hair and said, "Water please."  It was the sweetest moment, where I quickly realized my two year old will become an independent diva in the very near future! 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'm a Diva!

Every night before bedtime, Lily finds a book for Kyle or I to read to her.  Her recent favorite book is, Go, Dog. Go!  In the story, there is a page of dogs riding around in cars.  One particular scene is a head on carsh between two dogs.  A smaller dog is waving his finger in the air at the other dog "driver".  The other dog is standing with his hands on his hips.  Lily said, "What dog doing?"  I replied, "What is that dog doing?" Lily then said, "He's saying, 'I"m a diva.'"  As of a coule weeks ago, Aunt Sally and cousin Katie have been teaching Lily to put her hands on her hips and say "I'm a diva."  Well, they've been successful.

Matthew is now nine months old. It's hard to believe time has gone by so fast.  He's pulling up on everything and crawls all around the house.  He definitely is a daddy's boy.  As soon as Kyle leaves his sight, he cries.  He holds his hands up in the air, waving them for Kyle to pick him up.  When Kyle holds him and I go to take him, he leans back on Kyle holding on, not wanting to leave his daddy's arms.  Within the last week, Matthew has learned to make popping noises with his mouth.  He sounds like he's from an African tribe.