Wednesday, June 20, 2012

18 months and 3 years

I realized it had been awhile since I've last updated the blog.  Matthew is growing so fast!  His vocabulary is also growing.  He asks "Where's Day (Dane), Where's ba-ba (Grandma/grandpa)".  Lily is potty training, which is going well.  Lily will announce that she has to go potty and before she can say the word potty, I see the back of MJ running to the bathroom to sit on the little potty.  Of course, Lily is so dramatic and she immediately cries because MJ is on her potty.  Matthew is obsessed with shoes.  I bought him new shoes to where this summer, especially for the beach.  When I brought them home, he brought them to me to put on him.  I had to take off the shoes he was wearing to wear the new shoes. MJ is also learning to say "Ok" when Kyle or I tell him to do something.  Instead of ok, he says otay.  He usually says otay about three times, each time gradually getting louder, with the third otay at a full scream.  Up to today, I have caught him twice playing in the toilet, too.  It's so disgusting.  The first time, he did it out of spite, looking at me and smiling the entire time I was telling him no.  The second time, the toilet was running after not being flushed correctly, so he was all in the toilet playing in the "fountain" that was coming down from the inside of the toilet.  Sometimes, I'll sing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song.  Unfortunately, MJ does not approve.  He sticks his little finger in the air, waves it back and forth, purses his lips, lowers his eyebrows while saying, "no, no, no, no".  He is the cutest blonde headed little boy!  He's 18 months and growing.
Just a few days ago, I had Lily's pictures taken by my good friend, James Stirk.  We went to the boyscout spot off of the Lloyd.  She did such a wonderful job, doing everything we requested.  The pictures are amazning.  Lily and MJ have been going to VBS at Northwoods this week.  MJ got in their water-time pool, shoes and all.  Lily has come home saying, "Ms. Trina said, 'God can do anything and Jesus is everywhere'".  I love that she's so young and learning about God.  Tonight, she came out of her bedroom after being "asleep" for about a half an hour, so I decided to let her sit outside in my hammock with me.  She brought out her "noculars", which she made to look at animals while at VBS today.  It was the most precious time with her.  She'd use her noculars to look for stars and planes in the sky. 
We are planning a family vacation to Disney World at the end of July.  Dane has everything set upt for us and mom and dad.  We have been talking about it a lot, so MJ knows "be-be", Mickey.  I hear Lily almost every morning tell MJ "no whining in Disney" as they play in their bedroom as Kyle and I try to get just a couple more minutes of sleep.  The kids are getting up between 6 and 6:30 every morning.