Monday, October 28, 2013

"We conqured the "Happiest Place on Earth (part 1)

Yup!  We have returned home from Lily's 3rd, MJ's 2nd trip to Disney World.  The kids do a phenomenal job traveling.  We left early Saturday morning (October 12th).  Dane and Dad drove Dane's Charger, while Kyle, Lily, MJ, Pam and myself piled in the van.  We stopped in Ocala for the evening. The next morning, we drove to see Kyle's Uncle Jamie and Aunt Cissy.  The kids had fun playing at Cissy and Jamie's house.  They looked for lizards, admired Cissy's flowers and walked to the playground/lake.  Cissy fixed a delicious corn bread covered chili.  In the meantime, Dane and Dad went to Downtown Disney.  Dane said it as crowded, which we soon found out when we met up with them.  Crowded and hot!
We checked in at the Art of Animation.  The concierge was able to get Lily into the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique in Cinderella's castle...and a reservation for the 8 of us for Chef Mickey's.  I've only been trying to get reservations for those two places since about the beginning of our commitment to go down to Disney. (Rewind...) While at Downtown Disney, we made reservations for a restaurant on the lake.  We ate outside, and it was so wonderful.  The weather was perfect and the sun was setting.  We returned to our resort to conquer Day 1.
Day 1-Animal Kingdom
We chose Animal Kingdom to visit on Monday because their extra magic hours were early in the morning, allowing us priority to the park and an opportunity to get on the safari ride to see the animals.  We have noticed, thanks to Dane...but Kyle says it was him...not sure exactly who it was now..., that the animals are more active in the morning.  The best part of the safari was seeing the baby giraffe run the plains.  He had a special path he took, running laps around the safari jeeps.  We got to see Nemo the musical with puppets.  That was the second time we've seen it, this time MJ was awake!  He was completely enthralled with the show.  We also went to see the Lion King production. There were four sections within the auditorium, each responsible for an animal sound.  Our animal sounds was the elephant.  The kids had fun making the elephant noises and singing along with the Lion King music.  We also rode Expedition Everest.  Kyle and I had Pam ride in the front.  She was hilarious.  When we reached the top of the track and went in reverse she yelled at Kyle "This goes backwards, you didn't tell me this goes backwards!"  Before we left Animal Kingdom Lily and I rode the Dinosaur ride with Pam and Kyle.  Lily and Pam worked on their roars to roar back at the scary dinosaur, which they did.  Lily did ok.  I did cover her eyes when the big dinosaur came out.  I am still completely blown away that my sweet baby girl has such a deep, ferocious growl that could come out of her!  
We left Animal Kingdom to take naps and prepare for our first ever Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween! (To be continued)
....while on this trip, I noticed MJ started saying "yeah, but..." "i love your kisses, but...."  Almost everything that came out of his mouth was something followed by "but" and I absolutely love the way he says but!