Sunday, June 23, 2013

New Adventures

Wow!  Almost a year since my last blog.  As usual, so much has changed.  MJ is 2, Lily turned 3 and we moved to Indianapolis.  I also finished my Master's degree.  I doubled up during the summer (during our Disney trip, what was I thinking!?!) and finished 8 weeks early, in November.  I'm so glad I did, because December was extremely busy.  I decided to look for another position because what I was doing was not something I could do another year.  Unfortunately, I didn't have much seniority, so I had to branch out, and branch out and branch out.  I ended up getting an interview in Indy. I was offered the job and accepted it.  I started right away, which meant I had no place to live. I had a good friend who opened her home to be for the week and every weekend I traveled back home.  It was the hardest thing to do, leave my babies for a week at a time.  Throughout the week, I had to look for houses on my own.  When I found something that might be the house for us, Kyle would come up.  We finally found a house about 5 minutes from work.  We moved in the weekend before Halloween.  It was a bittersweet move.  I hate that my kids have no family up here; however, we have a house big enough for all of us and we have new adventures.  Since we've moved, MJ comes home almost every day we leave, enters the house, approaches "Buker" (AKA Cooper, our dog) and tells him of the events as we were out.  He squats down and leans in to make sure Buker hears everything.  December, MJ was old enough to begin Puggles, an AWANA program ran through Faith Baptist Church.  He finally got to go to AWANA.  Lily started Cubbies as soon as we moved up here in October.  I was so surprised when MJ's Puggles teacher informed me that he sat the entire night (hour and a half) and did not eat snack.  Of course MJ cried when I first dropped him off, but I thought for sure he would play, if nothing else, EAT!  Slowly, throughout the rest of the year, little by little, he began to participate.  The first thing he did was in the middle of story time, the teacher asked something like who plays baseball.  MJ ran up, out of his chair, to the teacher and told her in her ear, "I play ball."  In late February, early March, the teacher told me MJ might have pooped.  The teachers thought they smelled something.  They asked, "Who pooped?" MJ raised his hand and said, "I did".  They checked him but he was clean. A few minutes later the teacher said, "Who stinks?" at which point all the kids pointed at him and said "He does!"  (So embarassing!)  Lily looked forward to Cubbies and seeing all her friends.  She finished the AWANA year passing her book, which means she memorized verses every week.  Kyle and I are so very proud of her.  Many things have happened since we've moved but most recently, just last week, Lily and MJ got in the fridge (before we got up) and ate several pieces of cheese.  Lily is pretty sneaky these days. She's too smart to only be 3 years old.
I will have more to write to update, but for now this will be it. 

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