Monday, October 31, 2011

We make heroes

Tonight was Halloween, but before I get too carried away describing our day, I want to reflect upon the last couple of weeks.  It has been about two weeks now where Matthew has been responding to us saying "bye, bye."  He raises his hand in the air and waves with his hand backwards.  While he does this, he also lifts his head up.  Also, about a week ago I think he has been saying "what's that."  MJ is growing so fast, I can't believe we'll be celebrating his first birthday in less than two months!
Back to our Halloweening events.  Yesterday, after church we went home to change before leaving for Brendon's football game at the bowl.  As Kyle and I were in the bedroom talking about who knows what, Lily comes to the doorway points her finger at us, while it rests next to her check and says "Don't talk about me, ok!?" then turned and ran off.  Kyle and I stared at each other speechless, then busted out laughing.
After Brendon's game we went to Aunt Sally and Uncle Gary's church for Trunk-or-Treat.  Lily acted shy when Grandma Julie was trying to teach her to knock and say trick-or-treat.  As soon as Lily said it, Grandma gave her wrapped up donut balls.  You could almost see the light bulb go off in her head.  She grabbed my hand, took me to the candy bowl and told me to say trick-or-treat.  Once she realized she was getting candy for saying tick-or-treat she was off.  I took my little firewoman (Lily) and Superman (Matthew) and headed off car to car.  Lily had no reservations about telling everyone trick-or-treat, as well as, using her manners and telling every one of them thank you. One of the ladies from the Mother's Day Out program even bought Matthew some baby cookies to eat.
Today we started off at Pastor and Mitzie's house.  Mitzie made up an ice cream cone with candy corn, raisens and tootsie rolls wrapped up inside the cone.  We got in the car and I reminded Lily she couldn't eat the candy.  She said ok.  Well, from the time it took to get from our house to the gas station (on our way to Grandma and Grandpa Hirsch's house) at buylow, less than 5 minutes away, Lily started eating the bottom of the cone, with candy falling out.  She nicely gave up her candy.  We got to Grandma and Grandpa's house to play before we ate our traditional, and delicious, chicken and noodles.  Matthew quickly crawled around the floor, head-butted his car seat out of the way and started playing with the toys.  Matthew loves the miniture band set they bought Lily for her first Christmas.  Cousin Ryan was at the house along with Grandma Bonnie.  Grandma Bonnie tried to hold Matthew, but he wouldn't have it and wiggled on out ofher arms to play.  Lily says she doesn't like Ryan, to the point of refusing to look at him.  We ended up eating dinner and trick-or-treating at a few of the houses in the neighborhood. 
By now it was almost 5:30 and we were off to Grandma Delores' house.  We told Lily once again she couldn't eat any of the candy.  She said ok.  The reason we let her hold her candy was because she drove about 20 minutes from the Trunk-or-Treat the previous night to the house holding her candy without eating it.  I thought she could do it again, especially on short trips.  But she proved me wrong, again!  On the way, she ate a snickers and a bag of skittles.  Grandma was so excited to see the kids.  She let Lily have just about every kind of candy she had.  Matthew crawled around and kept hitting his head on her glass table because, well, it is glass and clear.  He eventually stood up and tried to take all the suckers.  Grandma just laughed and laughed at him.
Uncle Jon and Aunt Angie already visited and began trick-or-treating in Grandma's neighborhood.  We caught up with them and Lily had a blast!  She would say "Guys, hey guys, wait up.  Guys c'mon let's go.  Hey guys, look what I got."  Now she wasn't just saying this, she was screaming it.  At one point, she even yelled out "Brendon, wait."  Matthew rode along in the stroller.  It was pretty cold after the sun went down.  I didn't want to get him in and out.  He seemed content where he was.  Trick-or-treating at Grandma's took about an hour. 
Our last stop was to Grandma Shirley's house.  We only visited about 15 mintues since Lily was getting tired.  Matthew slept most of the time there. 
All in all it was a fun family night.  I can't believe how quickly the kids are growing!

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