Sunday, November 20, 2011

Missed you so much

This weekend we had Kyle's mom and dad watch Lily and Matthew.  We had plans to go to a friend's house, but that fell through because Kyle had a headache.  I was ready to get the kids that night by 9pm.  We didn't, I slept in utnil 9:30.  It was wonderful!  When I met up with Kyle and the kids, Lily kept hugging on me.  It was so precious.  She kept saying "I love you, Mommy.  I missed you so much."  I thought I was so special, until the next day when we left Mickey Mouse in the car to run in to Target.  When we got back to the car, Lily hugged on Mickey and said "Mickey, I missed you so much."  Well, that just burst my bubble.
Tonight, Matthew was so happy and not ready for bed.  He always peeks over the top of his crib and laughs the best baby belly laugh.  He was irresistable, so I picked him up and held him.  He layed in my arms half awake.  He was tickling my cheeck and laughing, with his head falling backwards off my arm.  Within a moment, he was asleep.  There is nothing I love more than a sleeping baby in my arms!

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